Representative Investments by Glidepath and Glidepath principals:
GDM Electronic & Medical High-quality provider of electro-mechanical systems and support services for medical, robotics, defense, automotive and research sectors |
Alianza Leading provider of cloud-based communications services to North American service providers |
AllClear ID Leading provider of products and services that help protect people and their personal information from threats related to identity theft (Sold to Experian) |
Sensys Networks Leading global provider of wireless traffic detection and integrated traffic data systems (Sold to Tagmaster AB) |
Ping Identity Leading provider of identity management solutions for large and small businesses |
Voyant Technologies Leading provider of voice conferencing bridges (Sold to Polycom (PLCM)) |
Carefx Leading provider of healthcare IT system integration solutions (Sold to Harris Corp (HRS)) |
Adpay Leading provider of online classified and obituary management for newspaper and broadcast industries |
OpenLogic Provider of tools for safely and effectively managing open source software in the enterprise (Sold to Rogue Wave Software) |
Veritas Software Developer of enterprise storage management solutions. (IPO and acquired by Symantec (SYMC)) |
Tendril Networks Provider of home energy management solutions to leading utilities worldwide |
Controlled Products Nation’s largest distributor of perimeter control equipment |
Ischemia Technologies Developer of in-vitro diagnostic for cardiac ischemia (Sold to Alere (ALR)) |